How to get bigger forearms and wrists: 5 Best Forearm Exercises 2021

 Looking to grow your forearms in size and wondering what are the best forearm workouts to get those bigger forearms and wrists fast at home or gym?

You have to accept one thing…

That your wrist and forearm muscles may be small, but they’re mighty important when it comes to maintaining strong wrists and good grip strength.

Moreover, these are the muscles used in daily life for tasks such as opening a glass jar or carrying a suitcase up a flight of stairs. They’re used in sports such as golf, racquetball, and basketball, too.

Hence, strengthening your forearms also increases grip strength, which is related to upper body strength too.

So are you ready to increase your arms strength by growing big your forearms and wrists? Then, lets dive in to it without further Due.

Before you start the exercise lets do the basics. Which is Forearm Stretching. You heard it right. Its Important to avoid injuries.

Now Lets Come to the Exercises.

1. Farmers Walk.

Grab a pair of kettlebells or dumbells and let’s get cracking with some forearm workouts! 

The farmer's walk is known as one of the best forearm exercises for two reasons; its ability to tone the area and the effect that it has on grip strength. 

It can be done two ways depending on your goals. If you’re looking to increase muscle mass and consequently improve the tone of your forearms, you should go with the heavy weight/short-distance approach. This variation is one of the best forearm exercises for mass! 

This falls under the category of high-impact forearm exercises and will put plenty of pressure on the area, consequently improving both its appearance and strength. 

2. Reverse Grip Pull Ups Close Grip.

What’s better than forearm exercises that allow you to use your own bodyweight to build strength?

Just in case you haven’t tried it before, it isn’t as easy as you think. Even those who visit the gym every morning at 6 am will tell you that. 

They may be running rings around others in terms of pull-ups and calisthenics now, but ask them to recount how they started and they’ll be the first to tell you that it takes a sheer amount of effort and determination. 

One great thing about the reverse pull-up bar hang (and possibly what makes it one of the best forearm exercises) is that although you may not be able to manage a single pull-up yet, it’s more than likely that you’ll be able to hang for at least a couple of seconds. 

Work your way up to 30 seconds and beyond over a period of a few weeks, and keep attempting pull-ups as you go.

Your grip strength will improve drastically, and this will also add strength and mass to your biceps and forearms. As far as forearm workouts go, it’s one of the best that you can do. 

3. Dumbbell Wrist Extension.

You can’t have one without the other… 

Out of the forearm dumbbell exercises out there, the wrist extension is certainly one of the best for isolating the wrist and forearms in terms of grip strength and trains the areas that the wrist flexion misses. 

Performing wrist extension exercises will certainly come in handy during daily life, as we typically use this movement hundreds of times per day without even realizing. You’ll be less likely to injure yourself, and also better at performing everyday tasks. 

While these benefits are worth it, the reason the wrist extension made it onto our list of the best forearm exercises is mainly for its ability to isolate the anterior forearm, hand, and wrist muscles and flexors and strengthen them for the purpose of powerlifting and sports. 

Not only will your improved strength and grip mean that you’ll be less likely to sustain an injury, but you’ll also see a spike in your performance (particularly in lifting heavier weights for longer durations of time). 

Again, your muscle mass will undoubtedly grow as your personal best soars and you’ll thank yourself for practicing forearm workouts that most people skip! 

4. Dumbbell Reverse Curl.

In comparison to your traditional bicep curl, the reverse curl is brilliant for working the forearm muscles (as well as some in the upper arm). These muscles are the brachioradialis, pronator teres, and the brachialis. 

This is definitely one of the forearm dumbbell exercises that you’ll see a difference with if you incorporate it into your routine, especially as you get used to it and start upping the load. 

It’s like an advanced version of the wrist extension that builds more overall mass in your arms and further improves grip strength! 

One interesting fact is that it’s also one of the best forearm exercises for eradicating imbalances between the flexors and extensors in the arm, and is consequently successful in relieving elbow pain. 

5. Dumbbell Wrist Twist.

These are the first forearm exercises that come to mind when looking to improve arm size. Similar to the movements of the wrist roller, they can be broken down into Flexion and Extension work.

Sit down on a flat bench. Place the back of your forearms on the bench, allowing your wrists to come off the end of the bench. Choose a suitable weight. Being able to take it slowly through a full range of motion is more important than maximal load. You can use either dumbbells or a barbell here.

Grasp the bar firmly, with wrists in the extended position. Keeping the forearms together, bring the wrists up slowly into flexion. Pause briefly at the top, ensuring you feel the contraction, and return the weight slowly.

Starting with flexed wrists, bring the weight slowly up into wrist extension, feeling the contraction at the top before lowering under control. If you develop any wrist pain, switch to dumbbells and allow the knuckle of your index fingers to be angled higher than the knuckle of your little finger.

Please Note - Sets and reps – These exercises are best done back-to-back, or in supersets. I recommend 4 sets of 12-15 reps for each movement.

Thanks for reading, I hope you are able to include these Forearm Exercises as part of your training!

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